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Taxing foreign income in Germany?


I live in Germany and will start working for a company in Cyprus (Northern Cyprus) from 01.02.2013. I will mainly manage this work from Germany, as my income will be transferred to my German account.

My question is: How do I tax these foreign earnings in Germany? Until recently, I was unemployed and before that, I was on maternity leave. Before this time, I only needed to get a tax card and give it to my employer. But since 2011, this has changed.

My employer is based in Cyprus. Therefore, I have to tax my income myself, as well as apply for health insurance and pension insurance myself.

What are the steps for this? I am worried about forgetting something or starting it wrong.

Thank you very much!

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Experte für Other questions to tax advisors

Dr. Yanqiong Bolik

Dr. Yanqiong Bolik


Beratung für GmbH, UG, und Co. KG,
Vertragsgestaltung für Gesellschafter,
Ermittelung von Unternehmenswert und Grundstückswert,
Vertretung vor dem Finanzamt und vor den Finanzgerichten.

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