
Ask a tax advisor on the topic of Other questions to tax advisors

EU pensioner (43 years old) writes a book.

Dear Sir or Madam,

After several cancer therapies, I have been a disability pensioner since 01.01.2011 with a pension of 1530 euros. In addition, I receive disability insurance benefits of 1540 euros, each per month.
Since I have been at home, I have been writing a book about my story.
Here is my question:
The publisher expects a high circulation with a five-figure profit. Will my pension be affected by this and how will it be taxed? Will I lose my entitlement to a pension as a result? Do I need to register as self-employed?

Thank you.

Dipl.BW/SB Ulrich Stiller

Dear Seeker,

Thank you for your inquiry, which I would like to answer based on your information and in the context of your commitment in a first consultation as follows:

The taxation of the EU pension from the statutory pension insurance is based on the taxable portion. Since the pension began on 01.01.2011, 62% of the pension, which is approximately 948 euros per month, is subject to taxation.

The supplementary pension is likely a pension from a private insurance. Here, the taxation is based on the yield portion. If the duration of this pension is not limited, then at an entry age of 43 years, 35% or 539 euros per month will be taxed. If the duration is limited, for example, if the pension runs until the age of 60 (17 years), then 18% or approximately 277 euros per month are subject to taxation.

You can earn up to 400 euros per month from the statutory pension, and self-employment generally excludes the receipt of a disability pension. You should clarify this with the pension insurance providers.

Your income from the book is income from a literary activity. This activity is considered freelance under § 18 para. 1 no. 1 EStG and not commercial, so you do not need to register a business for this activity.

However, if income is generated, you must report this activity to the tax office.

I wish you all the best, much strength, and hope I have been able to help you.

Best regards,

Ulrich Stiller
Tax advisor/Diploma in Business Administration

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Experte für Other questions to tax advisors

Dipl.BW/SB Ulrich Stiller

Dipl.BW/SB Ulrich Stiller

Leonberg, Württ

Seit ca. 46 Jahren im Steuerrecht tätig, davon seit 1981 selbständig als Steuerberater. Ich berate Arbeitnehmer, Unternehmer und Unternehmen sowie Privatpersonen. Ein Schwerpunkt meiner Tätigkeit ist die bundesweite Vertretung von Steuerpflichtigen vor den Straf-und Bußgeldstellen der Finanzämter einschl. der Steuerfahndung, wenn ein Steuerstrafverfahren eingeleitet worden ist. Desweiteren vertrete ich Steuerpflichtige im Rahmen von Rechtsbehelfsverfahren vor den Finanzämtern und führe Klageverfahren vor allen deutschen Finanzgerichten einschl. des Bundesfinanzhofesfinanzhofs zur Durchsetzung Ihrer Rechte durch.

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