triple household management
Good day,
So far, we have had a double household management, meaning our main residence is our apartment in Wiesbaden, where the wife has a full-time job subject to social security contributions, and our secondary residence is our apartment in Berlin, where the husband has a full-time job subject to social security contributions.
In the future, the following new situation arises:
1) The wife has a new full-time job in Bremen and will rent an apartment there.
2) The husband will remain in Berlin (full-time job), but will also, with the approval of his employer, take on an additional 20% job in Wiesbaden (subject to social security contributions) in the future.
Furthermore, the wife is heavily involved in volunteer work in Wiesbaden.
Now to the question:
Is it possible for us to continue to keep our apartment in Wiesbaden as our main residence? The apartments in Berlin and Bremen would then be secondary residences (triple household management). Or do we have to necessarily place the main residence where one of us has a full-time job (i.e. Bremen or Berlin)?
Thank you for your response.