
Ask a tax advisor on the topic of Income tax return

Income tax return: Preparation and participation obligations of a housewife

I am neither a businesswoman, nor do I have a trade or practice a liberal profession. For my income tax, I therefore declare the surplus of income over expenses, without balance sheets or evaluations.
Can the tax office demand a breakdown of the income into cold rent and additional costs from me for rental income (Anlage V&V)?
The items are treated equally for income from V&V, so the breakdown is not necessary for tax purposes.
It also does not arise 'anyway' for other reasons:
The rents are mostly paid undivided, so the breakdown is not immediately apparent from the income and the calculation I make for the heating or ancillary costs billing of the tenants often relates to a different period (heating cost billing period is not the calendar year or the payments to be credited to the billing period do not correspond to the payments made in the calendar year).
I inquired with the tax office about the background of the breakdown request, but the response was something along the lines of 'you see that the form provides for two lines!', without any explanation.
Is there any case law on this? Regulations? Laws?
I only found § 90 AO, which refers to balance sheets or evaluations that arise from other legal reasons, but there are no legal reasons for me.
The question is important to me, as the tax office imposes harsh and, in any case, completely excessive conditions for bookkeeping in the private sector (even if they originally arise for other reasons or are even voluntarily kept). One such condition is that the bookkeeping must be done promptly (similar to a mileage log) and cannot be reconstructed afterwards.

Grit Weidauer


You must have rental contracts that show the breakdown of the base rent, garage rent, and operating costs, right?
According to § 90 para. 1 AO, it is clear that everyone involved is obligated to cooperate in determining the facts. This does not refer to balance sheets and evaluations. Your obligation to provide information also arises from § 93 AO. Except in cases of tax offenses, you do not have the right to refuse information. You can be compelled to provide information through coercive measures.
Furthermore, there must be some sort of records available, as otherwise you would not be able to create the utility bill statements.
The question is, do you really want to argue with the tax office under the aforementioned points?
By the way, the GoBD also apply to landlords, as you are considered entrepreneurs under the VAT Act. It's just that you probably only carry out tax-exempt transactions under § 4 No. 12 UStG. Therefore, you also need to comply with the GoBD guidelines.

The legally sound assessment of each individual case should always be carried out by a tax advisor in a one-on-one conversation.

Best regards,

Grit Weidauer
Tax advisor in Munich

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Experte für Income tax return

Grit Weidauer

Grit Weidauer


Durch die direkte Kommunikation mit mir erhalten Sie eine kompetente Expertenmeinung. Durch meine über 20 jährige Berufserfahrung habe ich mir ein hervorragendes Fachwissen angeeignet. Ich stehe Ihnen sehr gern als Experte bei folgenden Sachverhalten zur Verfügung: private und betriebliche Steuer, Jahresabschluss, Gewinnermittlung, Finanz- und Lohnbuchhaltung, steuerliche Gestaltung und Beratung auch bei ausländischen Einkünften.

Expert knowledge:
  • Tax return
  • Income tax return
  • Value-added tax (VAT)
  • Capital assets
  • Input tax
  • Sales tax / Turnover tax
  • Inheritance tax
  • Severance pay
  • Annual financial statement
  • Profit and loss statement
  • Rental / Leasing
  • Trade tax
  • Corporate tax
  • Balance sheet
  • Payroll
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  • Double taxation
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