Employer insolvent - did not receive a tax card.
May 30, 2010 | 20,00 EUR | answered by Matthias Wander
The first employer of the year 2009 is insolvent and no longer traceable, I did not receive a wage tax certificate from him. Now, in that year, I did not work full time, was unemployed for several months, and then took another job for which I received a wage tax certificate, so I would receive a refund in my income tax return due to the break. Can I still somehow get the refund or am I obligated to declare the first income, or can I only declare the part for which I received a wage tax certificate?
Dear inquirer,
Thank you for your inquiry, which I would like to answer based on the information provided and in the context of your situation in an initial consultation.
The data from the wage tax certificate is provided to the tax office electronically. Since the tax office has all the information, the wage tax certificate does not need to be submitted to the tax office.
Since the tax return must be filled out correctly and completely, you will need the information. It may be possible to trace the information based on the wage statements. Alternatively, you can speak with your case worker at the tax office.
You should definitely avoid submitting an incomplete tax return.
I hope I was able to assist you.
Best regards,
Tax advisor
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