
Ask a tax advisor on the topic of Income tax return

Can I declare my health insurance contributions in the income tax return?

Dear tax consultant team,

my name is Mia Vollmann and I have a question regarding my income tax return. I am self-employed and pay monthly contributions to the statutory health insurance. My question is whether I can include these contributions in my income tax return and whether I will be financially relieved as a result.

I have heard that some insurance contributions are tax deductible, but I am unsure if this applies to health insurance contributions. I would like to know if I can claim the contributions as special expenses to reduce my tax burden.

I am concerned that I might be missing out on money by not including my health insurance contributions in my income tax return. It would be very helpful for me if you could tell me if and how I can claim my health insurance contributions for tax purposes.

Thank you in advance for your help!

Best regards,
Mia Vollmann

Andreas Stricker

Dear Mia Vollmann,

Thank you for your question regarding the income tax return and contributions to statutory health insurance. As a self-employed individual who pays monthly contributions to health insurance, it is important to know whether these contributions are tax deductible and whether you can receive tax relief as a result.

In general, as a self-employed individual, you can claim your health insurance contributions as special expenses in your income tax return. These contributions are considered as pension expenses that can be taken into account for tax purposes. By reporting your health insurance contributions in your tax return, you can reduce your tax burden and potentially save money.

It is important to note that contributions to statutory health insurance are not fully deductible. There are certain maximum amounts that apply to the tax deduction of pension expenses. Therefore, it is worthwhile to carefully review your health insurance contributions and report them in your tax return to potentially achieve tax savings.

To correctly report your health insurance contributions in your income tax return, you should carefully review your contribution statement from your health insurance provider and enter the relevant amounts in the "Vorsorgeaufwand" attachment of your tax return. If you are unsure how to correctly report your contributions, I recommend seeking advice from a tax advisor or a wage tax assistance association.

Overall, it is indeed possible and advisable to report your contributions to statutory health insurance in your income tax return in order to reduce your tax burden and potentially save money. I hope this information helps you and wish you success with your tax return.

Best regards,
Andreas Stricker

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Andreas Stricker