
Ask a tax advisor on the topic of Corporate tax

EU - Holding companies

I am currently writing my bachelor thesis on the topic of "Tax planning through the use of EU holding companies." It would be helpful if a tax advisor specializing in international tax law could review it for any mistakes. The thesis is approximately 35 pages long.

Steuerberater Peter Jansen

Dear questioner,

As part of a tax initial consultation, feel free to send me your work for review.

Peter Jansen
Tax consultant

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Experte für Corporate tax

Steuerberater Peter Jansen

Steuerberater Peter Jansen


Beantwortung von Fragen in Einkommensteuer, Lohnsteuer, Gewerbesteuer, Umsatzsteuer, steuerliches Verfahrensrecht, Bilanzrecht und Buchführungspraxis.

Expert knowledge:
  • Income tax return
  • Sales tax / Turnover tax
  • Annual financial statement
  • Trade tax
  • Corporate tax
  • Association taxation / Non-profit status
Complete profile