
Ask a tax advisor on the topic of Business start-up

Start-up grant

I am self-employed as a financial advisor and received start-up assistance for 9 months. Do I have to include this start-up assistance in my tax return?

Thank you,
W. Balzer

StB Olaf Gayko

Dear inquirer,

First of all, thank you very much for your inquiry, which I would be happy to answer based on the information provided and in the context of your initial consultation.

The response is based on the facts presented. Missing or incorrect information regarding the actual circumstances can affect the legal outcome.

The start-up grant does not need to be reported in the income tax return. It is not even subject to progression (in the tax rate) and is fortunately completely tax-free!

I am also available to assist you with any further questions or with the tax support of your client.

Diploma in Taxation
Olaf Gayko
Tax Consultant
Hainstr. 153
42109 Wuppertal

phone 0202/515415
fax 0202/5145414
mobile 0177/87 32 699

Best regards from Wuppertal

Olaf Gayko
Tax Consultant

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Experte für Business start-up

StB Olaf Gayko