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How can I deal with unexpected construction works in the hotel?

Dear travel lawyer,

My name is Otto Busch and I recently booked a trip to a hotel to relax and have a pleasant time. Unfortunately, my relaxation was interrupted by unexpected construction work at the hotel. The construction work started early in the morning and lasted all day, resulting in a lot of noise and disturbance. This prevented me from relaxing and enjoying my vacation as planned.

I have already complained to the hotel staff, but they could not offer me a satisfactory solution. They simply explained that the construction work was necessary and could not be completed early. However, I feel abandoned and I wonder what I can do now to address these unexpected construction works and to receive compensation for the disruption of my vacation.

I am concerned that such unexpected construction work could also affect my future vacation plans. Therefore, it is important for me to know what legal steps I can take to protect my rights as a consumer and to receive appropriate compensation for the disruption of my vacation.

Can you please provide me with advice on how to address unexpected construction work at the hotel? Are there specific laws or regulations that could help me in this matter? I would greatly appreciate your support and guidance on this issue.

Otto Busch

Alwin Hohenwarter

Dear Mr. Busch,

I understand your frustration about the unexpected construction work during your stay at the hotel and regret that your vacation was affected by it. As a lawyer specializing in travel law, I can provide you with some advice on how to deal with such unforeseen disruptions.

First and foremost, it is important to know that as a consumer, you have certain rights when it comes to the quality and standard of services you receive as part of a booked trip. This includes the right to appropriate compensation if your trip does not go as planned due to defects or disruptions.

In your case, the unexpected construction work could be considered a defect that negatively affected your travel experience. According to travel law, you have the right to demand a reasonable price reduction or even damages if the booked service was not provided as agreed.

To address the unexpected construction work at the hotel, I recommend that you first file a written complaint with the hotel and request appropriate compensation. Be sure to document how the construction work affected your vacation and what consequences it had for you.

If the hotel does not respond to your complaint or offer a satisfactory solution, you may consider taking legal action. In such cases, it may be advisable to consult a lawyer specializing in travel law who can assist you in enforcing your rights.

There are specific laws and regulations that protect consumers in case of travel defects. These include the Civil Code (BGB) and travel law, which protect your rights as a consumer and can help you enforce compensation claims.

Overall, it is important that you know your rights as a consumer and take action in case of travel defects to receive appropriate compensation for the disruption of your vacation. I hope that my advice will help you address the unexpected construction work at the hotel and find a satisfactory solution to your issue.


Alwin Hohenwarter
Lawyer specializing in travel law

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Alwin Hohenwarter