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How is alimony calculated after the divorce?

Dear lawyer,

My name is Jan Prestel and I am currently going through a divorce. I am very concerned about how spousal support will be calculated after the divorce. My wife and I have two children together, whom I want to continue providing for. I am currently the main breadwinner in our family, while my wife works part-time to take care of the children.

I am worried that I may have to pay too much spousal support after the divorce and might be financially overwhelmed. At the same time, I want to ensure that my children are well taken care of and that my wife is adequately supported.

Could you please explain to me how spousal support is exactly calculated after the divorce? What factors are taken into consideration and what options do I have to ensure that the support payments are fair and adequate? Are there specific spousal support guidelines that courts adhere to in such cases?

I would greatly appreciate your help and guidance on this matter. Thank you in advance.

Jan Prestel

Anna Richter

Dear Mr. Prestel,

Thank you for your inquiry regarding the calculation of spousal support after divorce. I understand your concerns and would like to explain to you how support is calculated in such cases.

In general, support after divorce is calculated based on the so-called Düsseldorf Table. This table serves as a guideline for the amount of child support and takes into account the income of the support obligor as well as the number of children for whom support is to be provided. The income of the support recipient also plays a role in the calculation of support.

There are also guidelines for spousal support that are used in the calculation. Factors such as the income of both spouses, the duration of the marriage, the age and health of the spouses, as well as their education and earning capacity are taken into consideration. The care of the children can also have an impact on the amount of spousal support.

It is important to note that support is always calculated individually and can vary from case to case. There are no strict rules that courts must adhere to, but the mentioned guidelines serve as a point of reference.

If you are concerned about paying too much support after divorce, you should consult a family law attorney. An experienced attorney can analyze your individual situation and help you find a fair and appropriate solution. There is also the option of seeking mediation to reach an agreement on support payments with your wife.

I hope this information has been helpful to you. If you have any further questions or would like a personal consultation, I am at your disposal.

Anna Richter

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Anna Richter