November 21, 2009 | 20,00 EUR | answered by Steffan Schwerin
I worked in a company that operates an online shop! Since I became pregnant, I could no longer paint and sandblast (toxic fumes and fine dust), so my boss wanted to terminate my employment. I appealed, but my boss did not respond at all. So I hired a lawyer, and now he sees that he has no other choice. Now he is trying to get back at me. I have a website on which I had placed a banner with a link to his site with his consent. I did not benefit from it in any way, I just wanted to bring him more customers. Now he denies everything and has sent a lawyer after me, claiming that I have violated copyright. What should I do? Do I have a chance to get out of this? I can't prove that he allowed it. I had placed it for him for 5 months with his knowledge because we had discussed it before. On Tuesday, I thought, why still advertise for him. And then on Thursday, the lawsuit came. So before I knew about the lawsuit, I had already removed the banner. Could the lawsuit then be invalid? I hope you have advice for me!
Dear questioner,
I will answer the questions you have asked, taking into consideration the situation described and your input, as follows:
There are 2 options here:
You can defend yourself against the lawsuit. Ideally, you should hire a lawyer who will represent you and protect your interests in court.
The lawyer will inform the court that he represents you and will draft a corresponding response to the lawsuit.
Based on the situation, I do not see a copyright infringement. However, it may be advisable to hire a lawyer to represent you in the proceedings.
The other option only works if the lawsuit has been filed without any prior communication from your boss regarding the copyright infringement.
You can then immediately admit to the infringement. This means you will pay the amount demanded in the lawsuit. However, your boss will be responsible for all the costs.
I would like to emphasize that this platform cannot replace a detailed and personal legal consultation. It is solely intended to provide an initial rough assessment of your legal issue based on the information you have provided to a lawyer. The legal advice I provide is based solely on the facts you have provided. Adding or omitting relevant information in your description of the situation may lead to a completely different legal assessment.
I hope I have been able to provide you with an initial overview and that my explanations have been helpful. Please feel free to reach out to me through the follow-up option on this platform.
Furthermore, I am also available for legal representation. The initial consultation fee you paid will be fully credited towards your case.
Distance between lawyer and client is generally not an issue. With the help of modern communication tools such as email, mail, fax, and phone, legal representation can still be carried out effectively.
Yours sincerely,
Steffan Schwerin
Law Office of Steffan Schwerin
Golmsdorfer Straße 11
07749 Jena
Tel.: 03641 801257
Fax: 032121128582
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Experte für Copyright law
Die Rechtsanwaltskanzlei Steffan Schwerin berät Sie in (fast) allen rechtlichen Lebenslagen. Ich verstehe mich als Dienstleister - getreu dem Motto: Recht haben - Recht durchsetzen - Recht bekommen, berate ich meine Mandanten und wir erarbeiten gemeinsam einen Lösungsweg. Ich vertrete Ihre Interessen außergerichtlich und auch gerichtlich. Ich arbeite vorzugsweise in den Rechtsgebieten Internetrecht, Arbeitsrecht, Sozialrecht, Mietrecht, aber auch im Familien-, Erb- und Strafrecht. Einen weiteren Schwerpunkt bildet das Vertragsrecht (Mietverträge, Leihverträge, Eheverträge, Kaufverträge, Darlehensverträge, Leasingverträge, Werkverträge, Dienstleistungsverträge, Arbeitsverträge, Aufhebungsverträge, Geheimhaltungsvereinbarungen, Kooperationsvereinbarungen, Bauverträge, Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen - AGB); hier prüfe ich bestehende Verträge und AGB für Sie oder erstelle Verträge und AGB nach Ihren Anforderungen. Darüber hinaus sind auch Gewerbetreibende, Freiberufler und Unternehmen angesprochen, sich durch meine Kanzlei beraten und vertreten zu lassen.
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