Spinal inflammation with positive HLA B27
I am 36 years old.
Since I have a positive HLA B 27 value, I have been regularly checked at a rheumatology clinic for years. The results have been good so far and no rheumatic diseases have been found.
However, after the last examination, I am now worried.
Today, I was informed over the phone that I have two small inflammations in the lumbar spine area. The doctor emphasized that these could be seen on two MRI images but they are "very very very very very small". Unfortunately, the doctor had little time, which I of course understand. The doctor is very nice and also understood when I was shocked.
Since this diagnosis, many questions have been going through my mind and it will be over a week until the appointment to discuss the findings.
I wonder about the following things:
Does every small inflammation have to turn into Bechterew's disease? Is there a chance that the inflammation will go away without any ossification? What are the chances when inflammation is detected as early as in my case?
Should I worry about becoming bent and stiff soon?
Can I do anything with sports (treadmill, stepper)?
What medications should I take and for how long?
Some time ago, my partner and I received the news that due to my sperm analysis, only artificial insemination would be possible... The bad news just doesn't seem to stop... Do these medications have a negative impact on fertility treatment?
Since the phone call, I have been very worried...
Many greetings