How can I prevent eye problems from screen work?
June 19, 2024 | 20,00 EUR | answered by Laura Bergmann
Dear Doctor,
my name is Adele Neumann and I have been working several hours a day on the computer for many years. Lately, I have been experiencing eye problems such as dry, red, or burning eyes, as well as headaches and blurred vision. These symptoms tend to worsen towards the end of the workday and are increasingly affecting my quality of life.
I am concerned that my eyes could be permanently damaged by the screen work and wonder how I can prevent these problems. Are there specific exercises for the eyes that I should do regularly? What screen settings are optimal for my eye health? Should I consider special screen glasses? Are there any medications or other treatment options that could help me?
I am willing to adjust my behavior and work environment to protect my eyes and alleviate symptoms. It would be very helpful if you could provide me with specific tips and recommendations on how I can relieve and prevent damage to my eyes while working on the computer.
Thank you in advance for your support and advice.
Adele Neumann
Dear Mrs. Neumann,
Thank you for your message and your candid words regarding your eye discomfort related to your daily work on the computer. It is understandable that the symptoms you describe are affecting your quality of life and causing you to be concerned about the health of your eyes.
The discomfort you are experiencing, such as dry, red or burning eyes, headaches, and blurry vision, can indeed be caused by working on the screen. The term "Computer Vision Syndrome" is often used to describe the eye problems that can arise from prolonged screen work.
To protect your eyes and prevent discomfort, there are various measures you can take. Firstly, it is important to take regular breaks during screen work. The so-called "20-20-20" rule suggests that every 20 minutes, you should take a 20-second break to look into the distance and relax your eyes. In addition, specific eye exercises can help strengthen the eye muscles and improve circulation.
Optimal screen settings can also help promote eye health. Ensure that the screen is placed at an appropriate distance and height to support a healthy posture. The brightness and contrast of the screen should be adjusted so as not to strain the eyes.
In some cases, computer glasses can be helpful in reducing eye strain and improving vision. It is advisable to seek advice from an eye doctor to determine if such glasses are suitable for you.
Regarding medication or other treatment options, it is recommended to consult an eye doctor who can conduct a comprehensive examination and provide you with individual recommendations. Moisturizing eye drops or special eye ointments may help alleviate your symptoms.
It is commendable that you are willing to adjust your behavior and work environment to protect your eyes. By following the tips and recommendations mentioned above and getting regular eye examinations, you can help maintain your eye health.
I hope this information is helpful to you and I am available for any further questions you may have. I wish you all the best for your eye health and your future work on the computer.
Best regards,
Laura Bergmann

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