
Ask a doctor on the topic of Neurology

Muscle twitching

Sometimes I have muscle twitches daily, sometimes in the upper arm, sometimes in the thigh, sometimes in the knee, sometimes in the buttocks. What is this? Is it dangerous or serious? There are also days when I have nothing.

I have been in physical therapy for 4 weeks due to lordosis and neck tension misalignment. Sometimes my hand shakes, could this also be related to the back and neck?

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Experte für Neurology

Dr. med. Olaf Stephan

Dr. med. Olaf Stephan


Ärztliche Tätigkeit seit ca. 17 Jahren, durchweg im stationären Bereich, neben den o.g. Fachrichtungen Erfahrungen in der Intensivmedizin, Angiologie, Kardiologie und gastroenterologischen Endoskopie vorhanden.

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