
Ask a doctor on the topic of Gynecology

Growing lump at the entrance of the vagina on the left side.

Dear specialists,

For many years, I have had a lump, knot, or thickening under the skin on the left side of the vaginal entrance, near the tendon or muscle. (The gynecologists I have shown this to over the years have never done anything about it - they said it was harmless). In the past few days/weeks, this lump has become significantly larger. It is clearly distinguishable when touched, almost like a ball or oval.

I gave birth in February, tore multiple times, and was stitched in many places. Could this be related to that? Should I be worried?

Thank you very much for your response!

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Experte für Gynecology

Christian Welsch

Christian Welsch


niedergelassener HNO-Arzt und Notfallmediziner, seit 15 Jahren regelmäßige Mitarbeit im allgemeinmedizinischen Notdienst

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  • General medicine
  • Allergology
  • Surgery
  • Otorhinolaryngology
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