Formation of bubbles
Hello Mrs. Gehring.. after a few weeks of more peace, unfortunately I am contacting you again... I have already reported several times about my mucosal lesions, which as I mentioned do not hurt. Also, due to lupus on the butterfly rash, I have been noticing for 1-2 years that blisters form in the mornings. After doing some research, I eventually found out that this is probably due to disturbed keratinocytes or something similar in lupus. Since it has been going on for quite some time, I am not worried about anything worse happening, and I don't have any severe clusters of large blisters anywhere.
But yesterday I had the feeling that something had bitten me on the arm, it suddenly started itching. Later also on my hip - all pretty normal so far. This morning I suddenly noticed strange little blisters on my arm (only on the itching spot), when I press on it, it is somewhat yellowish, there is nothing on my hip! Now I am worried again whether there might be some type of pemphigoid behind it, or even connected to a neoplasm, is that an exaggeration again?
There were already some redness on the arm anyway, I think due to lupus...
Perhaps you can reassure me a bit...