06.01.2021 | answered by Knut Christiansen
I am a sole trader (EÜR) and sell, among other things, to the United Kingdom. With Brexit, the previous turnover thresholds regarding German VAT disappear and deliveries are treated as exports without German VAT.
From the side of the platforms eBay ...
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13.04.2020 | answered by Knut Christiansen
A KG is being liquidated. There is a limited partner and a general partner involved in the KG. Both have made equal contributions. Due to compensation for services, withdrawals, profits and losses, the capital accounts as of 31.12.2019 are, for examp...
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27.12.2019 | answered by Knut Christiansen
I am a self-employed photographer and in 2020, for the first time, I am no longer a small business owner and am now subject to VAT.
Many of my jobs are booked in advance, with either a deposit or full payment made the previous year. This inc...
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04.09.2019 | answered by Knut Christiansen
Now I own a UG company, maybe soon I will sign an NCDMA contract for a person as a commission. Can I deduct the commission from my taxes later? Or how can I deduct the amount from taxes? Under commission or consultation or how? And under which paragr...
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31.07.2019 | answered by Knut Christiansen
I am a freelancer and have 2 leased cars in my business assets. Apart from the leasing costs of the 2 cars, I have no significantly high expenses in my previously prepared income statement or in the monthly sales tax returns for last year.
1. Car
A ...
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29.07.2019 | answered by Knut Christiansen
Donation of a paid-off photovoltaic system (annual profit approx. 5000 euros) from grandfather to minor grandchild. Is this possible? Can the 2-year-old child act as a small business owner towards the tax office? Does a separate tax return need to be...
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29.03.2019 | answered by Knut Christiansen
I have a German business and work with a client in Canada as a software developer. Now I am writing him an invoice (in USD) and I am wondering how it must differ from the invoices to my German clients?
- What additional information do I have...
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14.01.2019 | answered by Knut Christiansen
I am an author and publish with KDP Amazon. For this, I receive royalties overview from Amazon. I can't see the gross prices and fees. Now I have learned that in order for the accounting to be correct, I must send an invoice to Amazon (Revers...
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27.11.2018 | answered by Bernd Thomas
Good evening,
I work as a freelancer and part-time lecturer at an adult education school. I am directly involved in the seminar fees and invoice based on these earnings after each seminar day.
Unfortunately, one participant's course fee has not bee...
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27.11.2018 | answered by Knut Christiansen
Assuming the limited partner of a limited partnership takes private withdrawals from the partnership throughout the year and deposits them into a private savings account (without spending them), while leaving the profits in the partnership. At the en...
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18.09.2018 | answered by Oliver Burchardt
Dear Sir or Madam,
My wife has been self-employed since 2010 (sole proprietorship). The complete accounting (SKR 04, EÜR) has been carried out by myself (private individual) since then.
Our vehicle is part of the business assets and is depreciated ...
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06.07.2018 | answered by Bernd Thomas
I am self-employed and booked a further training seminar in 2017 (flight, hotel, and seminar) and paid everything in advance, but the seminar did not take place until 2018. I keep a cash basis accounting record. Should I book the expenses in 2017 whe...
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05.05.2018 | answered by Bernd Thomas
I own various apartments and commercial properties as a sole proprietor. The money flow goes through one account. Can I book directly from the account into the various income statements, or do I have to use a transition account? Do I have to create d...
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14.03.2018 | answered by Bernd Thomas
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am seeking an answer to the following question regarding the income tax return, attachment EÜR:
I am a self-employed architect and cash basis accountant. In 2017, I made two mistakes in the payroll for an employed architect, whi...
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11.03.2018 | answered by Oliver Burchardt
Dear Sir or Madam,
In 2004 I purchased a house for a price of 400,000 euros. The house was divided into two residential units, a practice part on the upper floor and a residential part on the ground floor (the value for the upper apartment was estim...
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07.04.2017 | answered by Ginster Frank
Hello, my mother owns approximately 1 hectare of land which is registered as agricultural land. There has been no cessation of business declared so far. Now, this land is supposed to be divided among three children. Half of the land has a market valu...
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05.04.2017 | answered by Oliver Burchardt
Hello, I have a question regarding the booking of a real estate-related §15a UStG case. Case at hand: Due to a tax-damaging rental within the correction period, a 15a correction (monthly 1/120) is necessary. So far, we have been booking the proportio...
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30.03.2017 | answered by Michael Herrmann
Five years ago, I switched to self-employment. During my self-employment, I used my existing car and depreciated it annually through the AFA (German tax depreciation method). Last year, I gave up my self-employment, and the private car was fully depr...
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19.02.2017 | answered by Patrick Färber
The practice rooms, which are located in the residential building, occupy 27% of the living space. Half of them are currently in business assets. The practice is being abandoned, and the share of 13.5% is to be transferred back to private assets.
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04.02.2017 | answered by André Hintz
Dear Sir or Madam,
I use the chart of accounts SKR03 for the EÜR.
Now I accidentally entered an eBay fee invoice (account 3125), which was only debited in January 2017, already in December 2016. The closing is of course already done.
My problem n...
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16.12.2016 | answered by Patrick Färber
I am a German and Swiss dual citizen and I own a company in Switzerland, where I have been working for 9 years and also lived almost continuously until two years ago. My wife - who is only a German citizen - is employed at my company as the d...
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11.07.2016 | answered by Oliver Burchardt
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am running a business in the IT sector and have recently built a residential and commercial building. This house is fully networked (KNX system) and is also intended to be used as a demo house for my business. The house is 160 s...
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08.07.2016 | answered by Oliver Burchardt
Good evening,
I have had a small craft business for 10 years (small business) and during this time I have acquired some low-value assets and some larger fixed assets. Some of them have since become defective and have been disposed of. Would I have ha...
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30.05.2016 | answered by Udo Glinka
I am currently setting up an online shop for used LP/CD/DVD. I have been sourcing goods exclusively from private individuals, so I have opted for the margin scheme for tax purposes. Since the purchases are only small amounts (usually up to 100 EUR), ...
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13.04.2016 | answered by Grit Weidauer
In the context of a real estate acquisition, inventory worth 10,000 euros is acquired. The property is leased to a business owner for their company with a waiver of VAT exemption. The inventory is deducted at a rate of 33% per annum from rental incom...
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