16.11.2009 | answered by Steffan Schwerin
Dear Sir or Madam,
I have made a big mistake for the second time. In December 2008, I was convicted of embezzlement in 2 cases, one of which was committed in conjunction with theft, resulting in a total fine of 90 daily rates, each daily rate being ...
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28.10.2009 | answered by Dr. Danjel-Philippe Newerla
Dear Sir or Madam,
I inherited a house from my uncle in Cologne on 5.8.2009 and therefore fall under the inheritance tax rates that have been in effect since 1.1.2009. These rates are constitutionally controversial due to the equal treatment of neph...
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10.10.2009 | answered by Michael Vogt
Ex-girlfriend (Philipina) has been living with a German man and their own son in Germany since 1997. According to my ex-girlfriend, we have a 12-year-old daughter together; paternity test is still pending. Maintenance claim from me in the last 12 yea...
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11.08.2009 | answered by Andreas Scholz
Dear Lawyers,
please send me a non-binding price quote to answer the following legal question(s):
The Background: Condominium association with 52 units and 23 owners. Previously managed by one of the owners. The association is currently involved in...
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05.07.2009 | answered by Dr. Danjel-Philippe Newerla
I have been a seller on eBay for several years. After the default sorting on eBay was changed to "Most Popular Items," I noticed that items with a lower quantity (preferably quantity 1) are being promoted better than items with higher quantit...
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