

Terms and conditions valid?

Twago is an online platform with project mediation function. In their terms and conditions, it states that service providers must pay a percentage of the contract value to Twago (depending on membership status). This also applies to all subsequent co...

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Resignation from a board position

Dear Sir or Madam, I intend to resign from my position as a board member of a public limited company for an important reason (not at an inopportune time) (= resignation due to the incompatibility of business policy with the duties of my employment c...

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Creditreform and Schufa

Hello! The following problem is bothering me! Yesterday, I viewed a new apartment and also got it. I signed a preliminary contract and provided all my personal data. I also had to consent to the German Annington obtaining information about my creditw...

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Raffle on a commercial website

Dear Sir or Madam, I would like to ask you about how it looks on a commercial website (fitness studio) when hosting a contest. The studio is located in a town with 5000 residents and is well-known within a 40 km radius. My idea (since I am responsi...

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health insurance

I cancelled my health insurance as of March 1, 2009 and have been privately insured since then. Now my health insurance company is claiming that I received benefits after March 1 and they want the money back from me. The doctor's visit was on Februar...

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