25.08.2015 | answered by Jan Wilking
Dear Sir or Madam,
I have been transferred to a European country by my employer for professional reasons and have relocated with my wife.
The cancellation of the membership at the gym for me and my wife was answered / rejected as follows:
We canno...
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03.01.2015 | answered by Jan Wilking
Situation: As a board member of a German AG, an employee is not subject to social insurance contributions. In this case, the board member is in private health insurance (PKV) and is 47 years old. Until the age of 30, he was in statutory health insura...
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29.06.2011 | answered by Steffan Schwerin
Dear advisor,
I am employed until 30.06.2011. From 01.07.2011, I will be unemployed - I believe I am eligible for unemployment benefits (ALG 1), but it has not been confirmed by the employment agency yet. A meeting to determine the eligibility for b...
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12.05.2011 | answered by Dr. Danjel-Philippe Newerla
Twago is an online platform with project mediation function. In their terms and conditions, it states that service providers must pay a percentage of the contract value to Twago (depending on membership status). This also applies to all subsequent co...
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18.04.2011 | answered by Dr. Danjel-Philippe Newerla
Dear Sir or Madam,
after the resignation of the former treasurer of an emergency relief association, the board has determined that the above-mentioned treasurer acted against the statutes and handled the funds of the association as they pleased. Our...
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29.11.2010 | answered by Kristian Hüttemann
Dear Sir or Madam,
I intend to resign from my position as a board member of a public limited company for an important reason (not at an inopportune time) (= resignation due to the incompatibility of business policy with the duties of my employment c...
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28.05.2010 | answered by Dr. Danjel-Philippe Newerla
The following problem is bothering me!
Yesterday, I viewed a new apartment and also got it. I signed a preliminary contract and provided all my personal data. I also had to consent to the German Annington obtaining information about my creditw...
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05.01.2010 | answered by Dr. Danjel-Philippe Newerla
Dear Sir or Madam,
I would like to ask you about how it looks on a commercial website (fitness studio) when hosting a contest. The studio is located in a town with 5000 residents and is well-known within a 40 km radius.
My idea (since I am responsi...
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04.10.2009 | answered by Michael Vogt
I cancelled my health insurance as of March 1, 2009 and have been privately insured since then. Now my health insurance company is claiming that I received benefits after March 1 and they want the money back from me. The doctor's visit was on Februar...
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18.09.2009 | answered by Andreas Scholz
The Taunus BKK is demanding a voluntary membership in the health insurance for the period from 01.03.2007 to 26.03.2007 through a contribution notice of 475.48 euros from me. Is this demand lawful?
I was employed and a voluntary member ...
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