

BAföG - which assets are taken into account

Hello, I am 36 years old, a single mother of 2 children aged 5 and 8 years old. I have completed a three and a half year vocational training as a dental technician with 21 months of work experience afterwards. I then worked in a non-vocational job ...

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Support for studies

Dear Sir or Madam, My husband was divorced from his first wife in 2002. We got married in 2007. My husband is married to me for the second time, responsible for financial support for a son from his first marriage, 17 years old, and an adult daughter...

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Inheritance law/Insolvency

Dear Sir or Madam Lawyer, Thank you for your response to my question. I would like to know the following: I would like to renounce my inheritance and compulsory portion. My daughter, who would be next in line, lives on Harz IV with a part-time job a...

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