

No evidence of bail payment but witnesses.

Dear Sir or Madam, What was previously a relaxed relationship between us as tenants and the landlord has turned into a strong tension, partly due to behavior by the landlord that we can no longer understand purely on a factual basis, but seems to be...

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The bank creates a Schufa entry.

Dear lawyers, My question concerns a Schufa entry that was created through the Barclaycard. This came about as follows: due to having to wait for money from a business partner, I fell behind on the payments of the credit card amounts. However, in or...

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Attachment order

Good day, Since 01.04.2009, I have been garnished by the youth welfare office for maintenance and arrears in maintenance. The maintenance is 240.00 euros. The maintenance arrears are 5678.00 euros from 01.01.03-31.03.09 according to the claim state...

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rent arrears

Our former tenant left behind rent arrears for which we have an enforceable title. When we tried to enforce it, the court informed us that there is an ongoing insolvency proceeding. The insolvency administrator, in turn, informed us that the insolven...

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retroactive spousal support claim

Hello, Several years ago, my brother was unable to pay child support for his 3 children due to unemployment. The maintenance advance provided by the youth welfare office has since been repaid by him. His divorced wife did not receive spousal support ...

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On 01.02.2011, I started a new job at Caritas as a qualified social worker. On 28.02.2011, I did not receive my salary. I was informed that the employee in the personnel department was on extended sick leave, which is why my data was not processed as...

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Schufa entry due to rental debt.

Hello, I would like to briefly outline the situation before asking my questions. In mid-January of this year, my advisor at the bank called me and asked about an entry in the Schufa (credit bureau) related to my wife. Since we did not know where thi...

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Creditreform and Schufa

Hello! The following problem is bothering me! Yesterday, I viewed a new apartment and also got it. I signed a preliminary contract and provided all my personal data. I also had to consent to the German Annington obtaining information about my creditw...

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WAY LAW - Failure of maintenance fee

WEG law Owner does not pay maintenance fees - can the other owners be held liable? Dear lawyers, Property with 25 special units, one owner of three special units has not paid any maintenance fees since January. No explanation, no information, no wa...

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Enforcement of insolvency

The following question Can maintenance arrears be enforced by the job center (ARGE) during my insolvency (since 2007)? The arrears have accumulated after the insolvency. A "normal" creditor, even if not part of the insolvency estate, cannot enforce...

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Release of property

Hello, I think that the legal situation is relatively simple, please list the steps that I need to take: Scenario: Tenant and landlord terminate the lease in mutual agreement. (Dispute in the house) Key handover has taken place, no rent arrears, e...

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Outstanding rent payment

Due to unemployment, we have an outstanding rent payment since 2006 of approximately 12,000 euros. We were only able to pay sporadically. We have not received any termination or reminders. Now the landlord wants a declaration of acknowledgment regard...

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Termination of contract for 17 year olds

Hello, I have the following problem. In mid-July, I rented an apartment to a 17-year-old (turning 18 on August 6) who was living in a home at the time and was moving into her first apartment. As she is a recipient of Hartz4 benefits, the rent is pai...

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Homeowners' association meeting

Dear Lawyers, please send me a non-binding price quote to answer the following legal question(s): The Background: Condominium association with 52 units and 23 owners. Previously managed by one of the owners. The association is currently involved in...

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termination without notice

I was unable to pay my rent in July and August of this year due to unemployment. As a result, I gave notice to terminate my apartment on 31.07.2009 for 15.11.2009, as I cannot afford the high rent of 640 euros, as I only receive 846 euros in unemploy...

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Expiration of electricity bills

Dear Sir or Madam, In March 2003, we switched from Ares as our electricity provider to Yellow Strom due to Ares' bankruptcy. We received a meter reading card by mail to determine our electricity consumption. This card had a line for entering the re...

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Child support amount

Dear Sir or Madam, I am a self-employed entrepreneur and had to close my business last year for economic reasons. Now I have opened a new business and had to incur some new debts, with a very good friend. However, the business is not generating any ...

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