
Ask a tax advisor on the topic of Profit and loss statement

Profit information for tax purposes


I am self-employed part-time and sell my self-made creative items, and occasionally used items from others as well, working as a sales agent. I receive a commission from my customers for my work, which is essentially my profit.

Now, my question is:

If I want to sell used items from my personal belongings, how is this done from a tax perspective? What would be considered as my profit? How do I declare this for tax purposes?

Thank you

Steuerbera Georg Stahn

Hello and thank you for your inquiry.

The sale of private items is recorded in Attachment SO to the income tax return.
Possible private capital losses can also be offset here.
The profit is calculated as follows: Sale price minus purchase costs plus any depreciation on these private items.
For further questions, I am available at

Best regards,

Georg Stahn
(Tax advisor)

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Experte für Profit and loss statement

Steuerbera Georg Stahn