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Money from abroad

Hello, I brought the money I earned back to my home country of Moldova because I wanted to help my acquaintances. Now I am getting the money back. My question: I need the money (50,000€) back into my German account for my business purposes, how can I do this without any issues with the tax office? I cannot transfer the money because I am not allowed to transfer that much from Moldova. Will it work if I declare the money at the Romanian customs when entering the EU zone?

Kind regards

StB Patrick Färber

Dear questioner,

Your question can only be answered in a very general way:

"Problems with the tax office" will only arise if the money (or the activity from which the money originates) that you earned here in Germany and then brought to Moldova was not declared in a tax return in Germany.

If that were the case, then it would be considered "black money". If you declare it at customs, then you have a real problem. Unfortunately, I cannot tell you exactly whether the Romanian customs make any reports to German authorities in this regard.

If the money comes from a commercial activity, the profits of which you have properly taxed, then the tax office does not care how you use the "taxed money".

Best regards,

Patrick Färber
Tax advisor

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StB Patrick Färber