
Ask a tax advisor on the topic of Input tax

What should I do if I have problems with my input tax return?

Dear tax advisor,

My name is Selma Mattes and I am having issues with my input tax declaration. I work as a freelancer and need to regularly claim my input tax. Unfortunately, I have realized that I have made some mistakes in the past few months and now I am unsure how to correct them.

In the past, I have often forgotten to correctly record the input tax amounts or made incorrect entries. Now I fear that this could lead to problems with the tax office and I definitely want to avoid this.

I am unsure how to correct the mistakes I have already made and how to correctly fill out my input tax declarations in the future to avoid making any further errors. What steps should I take now to get my input tax declaration in order and avoid any future issues?

I would greatly appreciate it if you could provide me with specific tips and guidance on how to correctly fill out my input tax declarations and correct any possible errors. Thank you in advance for your help.

Best regards,
Selma Mattes

Tobias Waldmüller

Dear Mrs. Mattes,

Thank you for your inquiry regarding your input tax return. It is understandable that you are concerned when it comes to the correct recording and accounting of your input tax. As a tax advisor, I am happy to assist you in correcting any mistakes and ensuring that you no longer have any issues with the tax office in the future.

The first step you should take is to carefully analyze your previous input tax returns. Check all the details to determine where exactly the mistakes were made. If you find that input tax amounts are missing or incorrectly recorded, it is important to correct them. You can usually do this in your next input tax return by adding the missing or incorrect amounts and attaching the corresponding receipts.

It is also important to ensure that you do not make any more mistakes in recording your input tax in the future. I recommend setting up a proper accounting system where you collect and record all relevant receipts and invoices accurately. It is advisable to regularly review your accounting and correct any errors before submitting your input tax return.

Furthermore, I recommend familiarizing yourself with the current tax regulations to ensure that you fill in all relevant information correctly. If you are unsure, you can always contact me or another tax advisor for assistance.

In summary, it is important to correct the mistakes in your previous input tax returns, set up a solid accounting system, and familiarize yourself with tax regulations to avoid future mistakes. I am here to support you in this process and provide you with further tips and guidance.

Best regards,
Tobias Waldmüller

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Experte für Input tax

Tobias Waldmüller