
Ask a tax advisor on the topic of Income tax return

Overpayment of church taxes

Good evening,

In 2010, my partner left the church and received a refund of 1,064.38€ a year later.

Now he has filed his income tax return for 2012 and the refund of 1,064.38€ from 2010 appears under "deductible special expenses" in the 2012 tax assessment, so he now has to pay 466.81€ as a result (see tax assessment for 2012 attached as a PDF)!

It was a bit of a shock, as the online program had indicated a small refund of at least 32€. Is this okay?

I would be very grateful for a brief answer! I wish you a pleasant Sunday evening.

Kind regards

Ralph J. Schnaars

Dear Mrs. Tebeck,

Unfortunately, the tax office has "correctly" assessed the situation.

Several years ago, some taxpayers had turned future refunds of church taxes into a tax-saving model, so the legislator introduced the taxation of refunded church taxes.

I'm sorry there is no better news on this matter.


Ralph J. Schnaars

STWB Steuerberatungsgesellschaft mbH
Direct contact +49 (0)171 525 20 42

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Experte für Income tax return

Ralph J. Schnaars

Ralph J. Schnaars


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