Does exam supervision fall under the exercise instructor lump sum?
I work part-time as an exam supervisor at a university of applied sciences for a non-profit GmbH. If I understand correctly, I can definitely claim the flat-rate operating expenses deduction according to § 3 No. 26a EStG: Retrospectively since January 1, 2007, a tax-free lump sum of 500 euros for income from part-time activities carried out on behalf of a domestic legal entity of public law or an institution for the promotion of charitable, benevolent and religious purposes (§ 5 I No. 9 KStG) is granted per year.
Now I have heard from other exam supervisors that one does not have to pay taxes on the income at all, because:
Tax exemption according to § 3 No. 26 EStG:
Income from part-time activities as a trainer, instructor, educator, caregiver, or similar activities, from part-time artistic activities, and from part-time care services on behalf of a domestic non-profit organization are tax-free up to 2,100 euros (from January 1, 2007) according to § 3 No. 26 EStG.
Broadly speaking, one could consider the activity as an exam supervisor as a "comparable activity", but I am not entirely sure...
Thank you in advance for your help and best regards!