Compare balance sheet with income statement
Dear tax advisor,
I have a small limited liability company (UG) that had only one expense item (marketing expense) in 2019 and generated revenues for three months. These are noted in my income statement. Now I need to transfer the income statement and e-balance sheet to the tax office. However, I do not know how to enter these values in the balance sheet. Currently, my assets and liabilities are both 0 while my income statement shows a loss of €5,954.99. The e-balance program does not allow submitting with different values between the income statement and balance sheet. How do I get the same values in the balance sheet as in the income statement? What exactly do I need to enter where? I am using Thank you in advance for your help.
Marketing expense: €8,330.00
Revenue from the sale of a digital product: €2,375.01
Attached are the e-balance sheet and income statement.