How can I book this return and refund?
Hi there,
I write much more quickly in English. However, please feel free to answer in German since I'm also fluent in German.
A few words about the background: I have an Ein-Personen-GmbH. I must ask a tax advisor to prepare my annual financial statements for me later. However, at the moment I book all my cash flows within the EÜR framework (no double-entry bookkeeping).
Now I have the following questions.
1. I have bought a product from a competitor online. Subsequently I decided not to test it and simply returned it. Which account under Skr03 should I book this purchase and how should I book the return please?
2. I sell on Amazon. Last month I shipped my inventory to Amazon by DHL and it got lost. Amazon and DHL are partners on such shipments and Amazon takes over responsibility for such lost shipments. They reimbursed me an amount using their own calculation method. I booked it as Versicherungsentschädigung. In the next month Amazon reported that they have found my lost inventory. They charged the amount back. Now, under which Skr03 account should I book this charge?
I hope someone could help me with that. Again, please note I do not do double entry booking.
Thanks a lot in advance!