
Ask a lawyer on the topic of Tax law


Hello, my wife and I are retirees and exempt from filing a tax return. Our apartment is now too big for us and we want to sublet a room temporarily. Question: 1. Do we need to file a tax return now because of the rental income? 2. If yes, how should the sublet income (less than 400 euros) be declared, especially since electricity, water, and heating would need to be deducted - as sublet income? Thank you very much.

Bernhard Müller

Dear inquirer,

You must submit a tax return if your income from joint assessment exceeds 15,668 euros per year. To determine if this applies to you, you must add up the income from subletting and your other earnings.

If you are required to submit a tax return, the income from subletting must be reported as income from rental and leasing.
Expenses for electricity, water, and heating can be deducted as operating expenses from the 400 euros, as long as they are only incurred by the subletting.


Bernhard Müller
Attorney at Law

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Experte für Tax law

Bernhard Müller

Bernhard Müller


Bernhard Müller ist seit April 2004 als Einzelanwalt tätig. Wer Streit mit seinem Vermieter hat, etwas erbt, vererben will, sich scheiden lassen will, wer Ärger mit der Polizei oder sonst ein rechtliches Problem hat, findet bei Rechtsanwalt Bernhard Müller kompetente Beratung. Im Jahr 2009 hat er 2 mal hintereinander den Jusline Kommentierwettbewerb gewonnen.

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