
Ask a lawyer on the topic of Social security law

How can I supplement my pension?

Dear Social Security Lawyer,

My name is Ingo Klinger and I have a question regarding my pension. I am 55 years old and have been working for 30 years in a medium-sized company. Unfortunately, due to health problems, I had to give up my job two years ago and have been receiving a disability pension since then.

However, the current situation is that the disability pension is not enough to cover my living expenses adequately. I am very worried about how I can supplement my pension to meet my financial needs and maintain my standard of living.

Are there any ways to supplement my pension? What are the legal regulations and support services available to improve my financial situation? Can I receive any other benefits in addition to my disability pension?

I would greatly appreciate any assistance and advice in finding a solution to my financial problem and supplementing my pension.

Ingo Klinger

Christian Voigt

Dear Ingo Klinger,

Thank you for your inquiry regarding your disability pension and the possibility of supplementing it to adequately support your livelihood. It is understandable that you are concerned about your financial situation and are seeking solutions to maintain your standard of living.

First and foremost, it is important to know that there are various legal regulations and support services available to improve your financial situation. One way to supplement your disability pension is to apply for additional benefits such as basic security in old age and in case of disability.

Basic security in old age and in case of disability is a social benefit designed to ensure the livelihood of individuals who cannot meet their needs from their own resources. It is granted by the social welfare office and includes a standard rate as well as benefits for accommodation and heating. To be eligible for basic security, certain requirements must be met, such as a specific income and assets below certain limits.

Furthermore, you can check if you are entitled to other benefits that could supplement your pension. These may include housing allowance, child allowance, or benefits for participation in working life. It is advisable to seek advice from an expert to explore all possibilities.

As a lawyer specializing in social insurance law, I am available to assess your individual situation and assist you in applying for additional benefits. Please do not hesitate to contact me to schedule an appointment for a detailed consultation.

I hope this information helps you find a solution to your financial problem. I am happy to assist you with any further questions.


Christian Voigt
Lawyer specializing in social insurance law

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Christian Voigt