Parental benefit: How long can I apply for it and at what amount will it be paid out?
December 11, 2022 | 40,00 EUR | answered by Albrecht Dietrich
Dear Sir or Madam,
My name is Jessica Ley and I have a question regarding parental leave. I am pregnant and will soon be having my first child. I am currently in a stable employment situation, but I would like to take some time off after the birth of my child to care for my baby at home.
I would like to know how long I can apply for parental leave and at what amount it will be paid out. I am concerned whether the parental leave allowance will be sufficient to cover my living expenses while I am at home with my child. Are there any options to supplement the parental leave allowance or to receive additional financial support?
I would greatly appreciate detailed information and possible solutions to help me better plan my financial situation after the birth of my child. Thank you in advance for your assistance.
Jessica Ley
Dear Mrs. Ley,
Thank you for your inquiry regarding parental allowance. Parental allowance is a state benefit that parents in Germany can claim in order to be financially secure while caring for and raising their child. It is intended to allow parents to focus on caring for their child without suffering financial losses.
Parental allowance is usually granted for a period of up to 14 months after the birth of the child. Parents have the option to choose between the basic parental allowance and the parental allowance plus. The basic parental allowance is typically 67% of the average monthly net income of the last 12 months before the birth of the child, up to a maximum of 1,800 euros per month. The parental allowance plus, on the other hand, is half of the basic parental allowance but can be received for twice as long.
It is important to note that parental allowance is not intended to cover the entire cost of living. Rather, it is meant to provide financial support to offset income losses during parental leave. If you are concerned that parental allowance may not be enough to cover your living expenses, there are various options available to receive additional financial support.
One option is to apply for supplementary benefits such as housing allowance or child benefit. These benefits can help cover your financial needs during parental leave. Additionally, you can also apply for a child supplement at the job center if your income is not sufficient to meet your child's needs.
It is advisable to inform yourself early on about the various financial support options available and to apply for them if necessary. I am available in my online consultation hours to help clarify any further questions and work on possible solutions. I hope this information is helpful to you and wish you all the best for the upcoming birth of your child.
Albrecht Dietrich
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