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How can I defend myself against defamation on the internet?

Dear lawyer,

I am reaching out to you as I urgently need help to defend myself against defamation on the internet. My name is Simon Fröhlich and in the past few weeks, my reputation online has been severely damaged. False accusations about me have been spread, greatly affecting both my personal and professional life.

The situation is as follows: a former business partner has started spreading lies about me to tarnish my reputation. These accusations are completely fabricated and have no basis. However, they are spreading rapidly on the internet and heavily impacting my life.

Currently, I have tried to refute and remove the false accusations, but without success. The spread on the internet seems unstoppable and I do not know how to defend myself against it.

I am deeply concerned as the defamation is greatly affecting my professional reputation and personal life. I worry about my future and would like to know what legal steps I can take to address these slanders.

Therefore, my question to you is: how can I effectively defend myself against defamation on the internet? Are there legal means to stop the spread of false accusations and restore my reputation? I am grateful for any help and advice, as I urgently need support to navigate through this difficult situation.

Thank you in advance for your assistance.


Simon Fröhlich

Gerda Dietrich

Dear Mr. Fröhlich,

I understand your concerns and can empathize with how distressing it must be to become a victim of defamation on the internet. It is important for you to know that there are legal options available to address these false accusations and restore your reputation.

First and foremost, it is important for you to gather evidence to refute the false claims. Document all instances of defamation, take screenshots of relevant online posts, or secure other forms of evidence. These will help you prove your innocence.

As a next step, I recommend consulting with a lawyer specializing in media and internet law. An experienced attorney can help you identify the individuals responsible for the defamation and take legal action against them.

Depending on where the defamation was published, there are various legal avenues to address it. For example, in Germany, the right to cease and desist allows you to demand that the defamers stop making false claims. You can also claim damages to compensate for the harm to your reputation.

Furthermore, you can demand that social media network operators delete the unlawful content under the Network Enforcement Act (NetzDG). Here too, a specialized lawyer can assist you in asserting your rights.

It is crucial that you act quickly and not hesitate to take legal action. The sooner you address the defamation, the better your chances of restoring your reputation and limiting the damage.

I strongly recommend that you promptly contact a lawyer to discuss your situation and take concrete steps. I hope that my response is helpful to you and wish you success in asserting your rights.


Gerda Dietrich, Attorney at Law

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Gerda Dietrich