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Can I use music in my YouTube videos?

Dear Media Law Lawyer,

My name is Jakob Werner and I run a YouTube channel where I regularly upload videos on various topics. Lately, I have been considering using music in my videos to make them more interesting and appealing. However, I am unsure if this is legally allowed.

Currently, I only use music that I have downloaded from free sources on the internet. I have heard that this may not be sufficient and I could run into problems with copyright infringement. My concern is that I could receive a cease and desist letter or even have my channel suspended if I use music without the necessary rights.

Therefore, I would like to know if it is legal to use music in my YouTube videos and if so, under what conditions this is allowed. Are there specific licensing models that I need to consider to ensure that I do not violate any copyright laws? What consequences could I face if I use music without the necessary rights and how can I avoid them?

I would greatly appreciate it if you could help me with this matter and provide me with potential solutions to ensure that I am legally compliant.

Jakob Werner

Isabel Tressel

Dear Mr. Werner,

Thank you for your inquiry regarding the use of music in your YouTube videos. The topic of copyright and music usage is indeed complex, and it is important to consider the legal framework to avoid copyright infringements.

In general, music works are protected by copyright, which means that using music without the appropriate rights can constitute a copyright violation. This also applies to music downloaded from seemingly "free" sources on the internet. Often, licenses or terms of use are not sufficiently taken into account, which can lead to legal consequences.

There are various ways to legally use music in your YouTube videos. One option is to use royalty-free music, specifically produced for use in videos and requiring no further licenses or fees. There are numerous platforms where you can find royalty-free music that you can use for your videos.

Another option is to license music works through music collecting societies such as GEMA or GVL. In this case, you pay a licensing fee to use music in your videos. The exact licensing conditions may vary depending on the music work and collecting society, so it is important to inform yourself about the specific conditions.

If you use music in your videos without the necessary rights, you may face legal consequences such as warnings, claims for damages, or even the suspension of your channel by YouTube. To avoid this, I strongly recommend only using music for which you have the appropriate rights or that is royalty-free.

I hope this information helps you and provides an overview of the legal aspects of music usage in your YouTube videos. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me.

Best regards,
Isabel Tressel

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Isabel Tressel