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Review of employment reference

Good day,

I would like to have my attached letter of recommendation checked. At the same time, comments for possible changes would be beneficial.

Under what circumstances must the employer then change the letter of recommendation? Is there a deadline for this?

Best regards,
Christiane Behme

Dr. Dr. Danjel-Philippe Newerla

Dear Seeker,

First of all, thank you for your inquiry. I would be happy to assist you in reviewing your employment reference and providing possible suggestions for improvement.

Please send me the reference to my email address below, but also feel free to send it by fax or mail.

The employer must generally amend the reference if it is not benevolent and especially if it is untrue.

Whether this is the case for you will have to be determined in the subsequent review.

There are also deadlines. The right to a reference, as well as the right to correct a reference, expires within the regular limitation period in accordance with § 195 of the German Civil Code within three years, calculated from the end of the year in which the right arose, see § 199 of the German Civil Code.

I hope this provides you with an initial legal orientation and look forward to receiving your employment reference.

Wishing you a pleasant Friday morning!


Dipl.-Jur. Danjel-Philippe Newerla, Attorney

Heilsbergerstr. 16
27580 Bremerhaven
Tel. 0471/3088132
Fax: 0471/57774

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Experte für Labor law

Dr. Dr. Danjel-Philippe Newerla

Dr. Dr. Danjel-Philippe Newerla


Amtsgerichtsbezirk: Bremerhaven


R+V Versicherung AG
65193 Wiesbaden

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