Is it worth hiring a lawyer for a fine proceedings?
November 15, 2023 | 60,00 EUR | answered by Alwin Hohenwarter
Dear lawyer,
My name is Yvonne Riedmüller and I have a question regarding a fine procedure I am currently facing. A few weeks ago, I was caught speeding and have now received a fine notice. I am unsure whether it is worth hiring a lawyer to challenge this notice.
First of all, I am not sure if the accusation against me is justified. I feel like it could be a mistake, as I was following the speed limit at the time of being caught speeding. There is a possibility that the notice is incorrect.
Furthermore, I am unsure if I have exhausted all possible defenses. I have filed an objection against the notice, but I am not sure if that is enough to prove my innocence. I am concerned that without professional help, I may not be able to successfully navigate the process.
So my question to you is: Is it worth hiring a lawyer for the fine procedure? Are there chances to successfully challenge the notice and prove my innocence? Or should I rather accept the penalty and go through the process without legal support?
I would be very grateful for an assessment and possible solutions in this matter. Thank you in advance for your help.
Yvonne Riedmüller
Dear Mrs. Riedmüller,
Thank you for your inquiry regarding the fine procedure you are currently facing. It is understandable that you feel uncertain and are seeking help in this situation. I will try to assist you as thoroughly as possible with your question.
First of all, it is important to know that fines are not always error-free. It can happen that errors are made during the measurement or the issuance of the fine. Therefore, it is advisable to carefully review the fine and, if you have doubts about its correctness, to file an objection. In your case, where you are sure that you complied with the speed limit, it might be worth challenging the fine.
In such a case, a lawyer can help you strengthen your defense and uncover possible errors in the procedure. A lawyer is familiar with the legal aspects of a fine procedure and can help you prove your innocence. They can review the files, gather evidence, and represent your interests in court.
It is important to note that a lawyer is not only there to minimize penalties but also to protect your rights and ensure that the procedure is fair. A professional lawyer can help you make the best out of the situation and increase your chances of a positive outcome in the procedure.
Overall, it is often worth hiring a lawyer for a fine procedure, especially if you have doubts about the correctness of the fine. An experienced lawyer can support you and help you prove your innocence.
I hope this assessment was helpful to you. If you have any further questions or need legal assistance, I am at your disposal.
Best regards,
Alwin Hohenwarter, Lawyer
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