
Ask a lawyer on the topic of Criminal law

Petty theft (CD 9.99)

Today received summons for the hearing Date: 19.05.11

Is it better for me to get another lawyer and is it still possible in terms of the date? If so, do I also have to attend the hearing or will only the lawyer represent my interests?

Michael Vogt

Dear advice seeker,

Your question I may answer as follows based on the situation you have described and taking into consideration your contribution:

It is certainly possible to hire a defense attorney before the main hearing takes place. Whether this makes sense considering the relatively "small" offense, in my opinion, depends on whether you have a criminal record in the past. If not, you are unlikely to face a severe penalty, so hiring a defense attorney in this case may not make much sense from a cost/benefit perspective.

However, if you have had a brush with the law in the past, it would be advisable to at least consult with a local colleague before the hearing. At that point, a decision can be made on whether the defense attorney should represent you in the trial.

Furthermore, the presence of the defendant is generally required in criminal cases. So even if you have a lawyer, you will still need to attend the main hearing.

I hope that my answer has provided you with an initial overview of the legal situation.

Please note that this response, based on the information you have provided, is only a preliminary legal assessment of the situation. It cannot replace a comprehensive evaluation. Adding or omitting relevant information could lead to a completely different legal assessment.

Feel free to contact me through the follow-up option on this platform or via my email address.

For further representation beyond this initial advice, my law firm is also available to assist you.

I wish you a pleasant evening and remain


Lawyer Michael Vogt

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Experte für Criminal law

Michael Vogt

Michael Vogt


Herzlich Willkommen auf meinem Profil. Durch meine frühere Tätigkeit als DGB Jurist verfüge ich über umfangreiche Erfahrung in allen Bereichen des kollektiven und individuellen Arbeitsrechts sowie des Sozialrechts. Seit 2007 bin ich als Rechtsanwalt darüberhinaus schwerpunktmässig in den Bereichen Vertrags-, Kredit- und Kaufrecht tätig. Ich bin Mitglied der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Sozialrecht im Deutschen Anwaltverein (DAV), im Republikanischen Anwältinnen und Anwälteverein (RAV) sowie der Gewerkschaft ver.di. Ich freue mich auf Ihre Kontaktaufnahme.

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