
Ask a lawyer on the topic of Contract law

Purchase agreement for used vehicle with down payment

Dear Sir or Madam,

I would like to sell my business vehicle to a private buyer without any warranty (The vehicle still has a warranty insurance valid until April 30, 2015, which I also want to transfer to the private buyer). It is very important that there is a sound system purchased and installed by a specialist company in the vehicle, which the buyer will take over for 2500 euros. This should be recorded separately in the purchase contract because I have to pay VAT on the purchase price of the vehicle, but not for the sound system because I also purchased it privately.

The vehicle will be sold for a total price of 21500 euros, which means 19000 euros for the vehicle and 2500 euros for the sound system.

A down payment of 5000 euros has been agreed with the buyer, as they are currently on vacation and will only take over the vehicle in early February.

I would now need a template for a corresponding purchase contract.

Best regards,


Rechtsanwalt Johannes Kromer

Dear inquirer,

I am happy to answer your question and provide you with a template for a purchase contract.
Please send me an email at so that I can send you the corresponding document by email.
You can then adjust it to your personal data accordingly.

Kind regards,

Johannes Kromer

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Experte für Contract law

Rechtsanwalt Johannes Kromer

Rechtsanwalt Johannes Kromer


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  • Labor law
  • Corporate law
  • Fee law
  • Contract law
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