
Ask a doctor on the topic of Ophthalmology

Which vision disorders can indicate a serious eye problem?

Dear doctor,

My name is Georg Strauss and I have recently noticed an increase in vision problems that concern me. I feel like my vision is blurry and I can't see things in the distance as clearly as I used to. I also have difficulty reading and often have to strain to make out the letters.

These vision problems mainly occur in the evening and in poor lighting conditions, which greatly affects my daily life. I rely on good vision for my profession and I can see that my performance is decreasing due to these limitations. Additionally, I am afraid that my vision problems could worsen and that there could be a serious eye problem underlying them.

Therefore, I would like to know from you which vision problems typically indicate a serious eye problem and what possible causes could be considered. Are there specific signs I should look out for to react early and prevent potential issues? What treatment options are available to improve my vision problems and maintain my eye health?

I thank you in advance for your expertise and support with my concerns.

Georg Strauss

Laura Bergmann

Dear Mr. Strauss,

Thank you for your message and trust in my expertise as an ophthalmologist. It is understandable that vision problems such as blurry vision and difficulty reading are distressing for you and that you are concerned about your eye health. Indeed, such symptoms can indicate various eye problems that require a thorough examination.

Blurry vision and difficulty recognizing objects in the distance can be attributed to a range of eye diseases. These include nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (presbyopia), astigmatism, cataracts, glaucoma, or macular degeneration. Dry eyes, inflammation, or eye injuries can also lead to vision problems.

It is important that you take your vision problems seriously and see an ophthalmologist to receive an accurate diagnosis. During the examination, the doctor will check your visual acuity, inspect the back of your eye, measure the intraocular pressure, and possibly conduct further tests to determine the cause of your complaints.

To detect and prevent possible eye problems early on, you should pay attention to certain signs that may indicate an eye disease. These include sudden vision loss, sensitivity to light, flickering or flashes in the visual field, distortions of the visual image, eye pain, or redness. If you notice such symptoms, prompt evaluation by an ophthalmologist is advisable.

Treatment options for vision problems depend on the underlying cause. In many cases, vision problems can be improved with corrective glasses or contact lenses. For eye diseases such as glaucoma or macular degeneration, medication, surgery, or laser treatments may be necessary to slow down or stop the progression of the disease.

I strongly recommend that you see an ophthalmologist to evaluate your vision problems and receive personalized treatment recommendations. The earlier possible eye problems are detected and treated, the better the chances of healing and maintaining good eye health.

I am available to answer your questions and support you on your journey to better vision.


Laura Bergmann, Ophthalmology Specialist

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Laura Bergmann