
Ask a doctor on the topic of Internal medicine

Caloric needs for long and intense physical activity / Anorexia

Dear online physicians,

I am anorexic and have been severely underweight for about four years now (current BMI of 12-13). I am 32 years old. I have heard that with a long and severe underweight condition, the calorie requirement for weight gain is increased - while it was previously believed that there was a decreased basal metabolic rate in underweight individuals. May I have your advice on this matter?

Thank you very much.

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Experte für Internal medicine

Dr. med. Susanne Plotz

Dr. med. Susanne Plotz


Ausgestattet mit jahrelanger, klinischer Erfahrung im Bereich Gynäkologie und Kinderheilkunde, Beraterin mit Leidenschaft, Gesundheitsexpertin, Autorin mehrerer medizinischer und nicht medizinischer Bücher, bin ich für SIE da!

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