
Ask a doctor on the topic of Internal medicine

Alcohol and diabetes

Our son is 29 years old and has recently started a teaching internship to become a teacher.

He has type 1 diabetes (first diagnosed in January 2004), regularly goes to the doctor (intensive insulin therapy/basal-bolus therapy), and his HbA1c value is fine. He is of medium height and has a normal weight.

Our son does not impose any restrictions on himself regarding sweets and alcohol and does not handle them moderately and sensibly.

For about three years, he has developed the habit of drinking alcohol quickly on weekends before going out at night, in order to reach a certain level of alcohol. Initially, it was beer; for the past few months, he has been drinking Jägermeister (beer takes too long).

His attitude: "Nothing will happen to me." / "I have it under control."

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Experte für Internal medicine

Björn Biermann

Björn Biermann


Seit 1,5 Jahren fachärtzliche Ausbildung in der Inneren Medizin mit den Schwerpunkten auf Kardiologie,Pulmologie Gastroenterologie und Diabetes.Zusätzliche Ausbildung zum Notarzt.

Vorherige Tätigkeit als examinierter Krankenpfleger mit 5jähriger Erfahrung auf der interdisziplinären Intensivstation und der plastischen Chirurgie.

Complete profile