05.04.2014 | answered by Ralph J. Schnaars
I have programmed my own credit-based (prepaid) customer web interface (online customer system) where you can automatically rent voice chat servers (and soon other servers/services) . You can load your credit beforehand via the following paym...
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14.04.2012 | answered by Yanqiong Bolik
At the beginning of the year, we had drawings created by a graphic designer. We received an invoice for 1,200.00 EUR plus 7% VAT, totaling 1,284.00 EUR.
As part of the invoice, we were granted an unrestricted right to use (including resale) in terms...
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12.05.2011 | answered by Michael Herrmann
Dear Sir or Madam, the following issue:
Retailer A has a claim against Retailer B from L+L booked, normal net + 19% = gross, receivables/revenues. Retailer B cannot pay with money as he has no liquidity. Instead, Retailer B provides goods worth the ...
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