17.01.2015 | answered by Ralph J. Schnaars
1. Question about value-added tax
In December 2013, a newly founded complementarity company issued a (single) invoice showing a value-added tax of €13.53. At the beginning of 2014, the annual report was submitted. Due to the restriction to whole numb...
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29.04.2013 | answered by Patrick Färber
Good day, I am planning to start a business (with two people) - specifically a gastronomic operation. I am not sure yet whether a UG or GmbH is the more suitable form and how profit distribution could look like. The situation is as follows:
1.) Each...
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19.06.2011 | answered by Manuela Ponikwar
Dear Sir or Madam,
We operate a trade with tickets / admission tickets. We buy and sell on the secondary market, so we are not the organizer. It is unclear to us whether our sales tax is 7% or 19%.
According to the following ruling: http://www.bunde...
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