

Unexpected windfall from the tax office

We are employees and bought a house in mid-2019 and paid accordingly. The previous owners contractually reserved a one-year right of residence against payment of rent. From mid-2019 to mid-2020, we received rent payments, after which the previous own...

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Tax return of a wealth-managing GbR

Hello, I am currently working on the tax return of an asset-managing GbR. We only have income from capital gains, from a foreign bank. As far as I know, to declare the tax for the GbR, only a separate and uniform determination declaration is require...

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Asset management GmbH Business object

Good day, I am planning to establish a new company (GmbH) at the beginning of next year. Currently, I am still unsure about the correct business purpose. Below, I describe the purpose of the company and hope you can answer the open questions based on...

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Liquidation balance

A KG is being liquidated. There is a limited partner and a general partner involved in the KG. Both have made equal contributions. Due to compensation for services, withdrawals, profits and losses, the capital accounts as of 31.12.2019 are, for examp...

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Investment deduction amount

Dear Sir or Madam, I am self-employed and in 2018 I was still covered by my wife's health insurance without having to pay contributions. Now I am preparing the income tax declaration for 2018. My commercial income exceeds the income limit of 5,220,-...

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Establishing a GmbH?

Hello, I am an employee with a gross salary of 34500 € and I have three rented properties. I pay 630€ in interest for the loans on the properties and have 1470€ for repayment and cash flow. Now I would like to open a brokerage account (starting with ...

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Resting position

Dear Sir or Madam, I am registered as a freelance consultant, but have been unable to work due to illness since 08/2018. Until 07/2018, I had revenues, but afterwards only incurred costs (including a home office in my condominium). Nevertheless, in ...

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Taxation of income from dog breeding hobby?

My wife is a housewife and I am an employee. Annual income around 100k EUR. We have a female dog that my wife wants to breed for the first time in summer 2020. Then once a year. We can sell the puppies for around 2,000 EUR each. Possibly adding a sec...

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Taxation of joint capital investments

Hello, To reduce the risk of individual capital investment, 2 friends and I would like to invest together. The price of the respective investment product would therefore be divided equally among 3 people. What are the options to implement this legall...

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Change of deployment activity special

Hello everyone, my question is that I am an electrician and my company is based in Odhental near Cologne. It is about the shift work activity. The TÜV doesn't know that we have a warehouse or an office where I only take my break. I work on the TÜV Rh...

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Tax treatment of real estate GbR

We (father, mother, son) want to establish a real estate partnership (GbR). The mother will contribute a mortgage loan (in her name) of €80,000, while the father and son will each contribute €10,000 in cash. We want to divide the shares of assets and...

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Tax treatment of real estate GbR

We (mother, father, and sons) plan to buy a property as a GbR. 1) Does a pure real estate GbR need to be registered with the tax office (tax number)? 2) Can mortgage interest be claimed as a tax deduction if the borrower is not the GbR, but a shareh...

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Bank deposit after inheritance.

Hello, My sister and I are equal heirs of our deceased father, we want to transfer a securities account at the bank to both of us. Question: If we want to split the securities account into equal shares at some point, will any taxes (capital gains ta...

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VG Wort in the tax return

Hello, I am a full-time employed editor, not self-employed. I am also registered as a freelancer with the tax office and work as a voice actor/actress. Up until 2015, my tax return was handled by a tax advisor, at which time my side business was reg...

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Short calculation of income tax on GbR profit.

The question is, on whom it is best to allocate the profits from a GbR and who should be taxed on it. For this, we need to calculate the income tax for 2 persons. Profit of the GbR: 40,000 EUR Person A) Tax class 1, employed with a gross salary of ...

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