

Forgery of documents

Dear team, I am a doctor and I have a big problem. I was in a relationship for about 2 months, the man left me, but unfortunately I was already pregnant at that time. The only way to contact him in the end was through email, so I wrote to him that I...

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Bullying, burnout, termination agreement

Hello, I urgently need your advice. I am permanently employed and my company is paying for my MBA studies for the next 2 years. For the past year, I have been systematically bullied by my supervisor. Unfortunately, there is no works council in my de...

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Traffic accident 2007

Hello. Four years ago, I was in a car accident where I was not at fault. Since then, I have been suffering from panic attacks while driving as a passenger. Can I now, after 4 years, hire a lawyer and demand compensation for damages? Because I feel v...

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Theft of narcotics from pharmacies

On October 17th, I visited a nursing home. There I discovered Tavor (Lorazepam) Expedit, a rare medication due to its consistency. My father had received it during his cancer therapy. I had never seen it before. So, I opened the medication box and ex...

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Return medical device

Dear Sir or Madam, In March 2004, I was provided with a therapy device (electric stimulation) by a local orthopedic practice for a 6-week home use loan. After the application (around 6 weeks later), I returned the device to the manufacturer. I no lo...

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