

Shipping copyrighted works

Hello, Suppose someone copies a copyrighted image from the internet to their mobile phone and sends it in a private chat (WhatsApp) to a contact (e.g. girlfriend). Would this already be considered a violation of copyright law?...

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Claim and text protected?

I have had a name including a claim for my business/online shop since 2007. Name: XXXX and the claim: XXXX. On the homepage, there is the following text written by a copywriter: Unique, funny and original - that is the standard for our products. Whet...

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What is covered by copyright?

I wanted to inquire about what falls under copyright? My son came across a website with a lot of games, music, videos... and now I want to know if it is permissible to download them without any issues? Thank you in advance. Kind regards...

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Image rights to silhouettes

I have a question regarding image rights. Am I allowed to create a silhouette from any photo to which I have no rights, and then distribute it as a cut-out image through a stock photo agency? Since it is a silhouette, there are no people, brands, or...

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