

High hedge growth at the property boundary.

There has been a dispute with my neighbor for years over his 3-4m high hedge at the property boundary. A lawsuit has been ongoing since 2009. In October 2010, the court determined a height of 2m to be maintained by December 21 of each year. The hedge...

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Trees on the border of Lower Saxony

Directly on our property line, at a distance of min. 65 cm and max. 120 cm, there are 8 trees. 4 birch trees approximately 12 meters high, 3 spruce trees approximately 6 meters high, and 1 beech tree approximately 10 meters high. Some branches of the...

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Birch growth

Dear Sir or Madam, The following problem has arisen. On our neighboring property, there are several approximately 30-year-old birch trees. These are about 1.50 meters away from our property boundary (NRW). The height of these birch trees is approxim...

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roof extension

Dear Sir or Madam, We are planning to expand our roof and have obtained a building permit for it. The attic has been registered as living space since 1965, but it is only 1.60 meters high in the middle. The building permit we have been granted will ...

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Dear Sir or Madam, Four years ago, we bought a approximately 100-year-old house. Both the house and the outdoor areas were in a deplorably run-down condition. After the house was renovated, we started to fix up the outdoor area in 2008. Without co...

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Dispute over terrace wall.

Dear Sir/Madam, Regarding the background: Approximately 10 years ago, during the renovation of our house, we built a terrace wall on our property (not on the shared property boundary) with the oral permission of the neighbor. So far so good. At some...

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Criminal complaint for property damage

Short explanation: For about 1 year, a woman (Russian citizenship) has been living next to us, constantly confronting and harassing us and my parents with random things. This woman seems to be full of envy. We have been living in our house for 20 ye...

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Building damage, statute of limitations

A construction company accidentally removed a boundary marker while working on a wall on our property. The contractor was working on our behalf, but the damage was caused by a mistake of the company. We pointed out the damage to the contractor at the...

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