20.09.2014 | answered by David Meyer
I have an older report from the University Hospital Heidelberg from tropical medicine - but I can't make sense of the values from back then. How could they possibly have found malaria or what would the values have been like? I'm not sure if they exam...
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27.08.2014 | answered by Christian Welsch
Good day, there is a plan to fly to India with children between the ages of 4 and 6. A doctor has informed me of the following regarding health concerns. Do you share this opinion? What else should be considered?
"Unlike traveling to European countr...
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16.09.2010 | answered by Ralf Berg
Hello, I have the following problem: at the end of July, I had high fever for over 3 weeks, up to 40.7. At first, I only had the fever and was given antibiotics, but saw no improvement. Then I started experiencing pain in my knee joints. Blood was ta...
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