28.09.2016 | answered by David Meyer
About myself:
I consider myself to be moderately to strongly introverted. Large groups of people, parties, festivals, etc. make me uncomfortable and drain me of energy. I am happy when I can be alone. It is very important to me what other people thin...
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23.11.2014 | answered by Ralf Berg
Dear specialists, dear doctors,
Today I have been suffering from palpitations all day again. It is a strange feeling in the lower neck area and chest area, with no pain or anything similar. I just feel like my body is vibrating, causing me to be very...
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12.05.2014 | answered by Kathrin Hamann
Dear expert,
I have asked questions here before, but I am currently at the point of despair. I am plagued by severe neck tension that comes in waves, always accompanied by an extremely bloated stomach. The top vertebra (Atlas?) is extremely sensitiv...
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