

Smoke alarm

We are a community of 6 co-owners. In the minutes of the meeting on 09.05.2012, the following was recorded regarding the decision to install smoke detectors: After discussion, the owners see the installation of smoke detectors in their apartments as...

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Bullying, burnout, termination agreement

Hello, I urgently need your advice. I am permanently employed and my company is paying for my MBA studies for the next 2 years. For the past year, I have been systematically bullied by my supervisor. Unfortunately, there is no works council in my de...

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Warranty for the purchase of a used car

Hello, On 14.03.2012 I bought a used Mini One Cabrio, first registered in 12/2004, for €10,900 from the company ...... Handels GmbH (authorized BMW service). On 04.05.2012, suddenly the electric convertible top stopped working (it wouldn't open; or ...

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Length of service 20 years, termination.

Hello. Since 1.9.1992, I have been employed in a company that consists of several independent business units without interruption. I have changed employers several times within these structures, so I always received a termination agreement first and ...

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Examination of work reference

Dear Sir or Madam, I am not satisfied with the reference letter for my mother and believe that there is a need for significant corrections. Would you be able to review the letter and draft a letter to the employer with the necessary corrections? T...

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Dear Madam Lawyer, dear Sir Lawyer, I have received a letter from the mayor in which he writes: If you do not sign the building burden requested by us by........ there is no reason to impose a restriction on changes on your property. The background ...

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Credit Agreement

If a reference rate of 1 Euro = 1.2078 USD is used for the repayment in a loan agreement. For example, if I repay 1000.00 USD today, how will the amount be calculated? Is it 1000.00 : 1.2078 = 827.95, or is the exchange rate of the day taken and mult...

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Termination of contract for freelance worker

Dear Lawyer, I am sending you my case, which I have now submitted to the field of labor law, but may also fall under contract law: I work as a self-employed business owner in Clinical Research as a Consultant. I have had a freelance employee contra...

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Decline termination agreement

Hello, I have been employed in my company for 5 years without termination (approximately 700 employees, financially healthy). Now, I have been offered a termination agreement taking into account my normal notice period (end of September) and also a ...

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Commission in horse sales

Hello and thank you for taking the time to talk to me. Here's the situation: I have referred a customer to a private seller, and now the horse is actually being sold. I am the owner of a riding facility and work professionally with horses. Prior to t...

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Right of way

Dear Sir or Madam, We have filed an action for annulment of a decision in a 6-party house by one co-owner. The district court has now scheduled a written preliminary procedure. In the complaint submitted by the opposing lawyer, reference is made to ...

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Framework period

Dear Sir or Madam, Until 08/2006 I worked as a socially insured employee. From 01.09.2006 to 25.10.2006 I was in the orientation phase. From 26.10.2006 to 31.10.2010 I will still be self-employed. I now have to deregister my business due to declini...

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Legal protection insurance

Dear Sir or Madam, I have a legal dispute in the Dominican Republic for which my legal expenses insurance does not want to provide coverage. Therefore, I have hired a lawyer in Germany to sue the insurance company for the procedural costs. I have at...

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I inherited a condominium from my parents. However, I still have 1 year left in an insolvency procedure (then the 6 years will be completed). This was caused by the bankruptcy of my husband's company, as I had co-signed for the bank matters (so no pe...

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Money demand

- November 2009 Conversation between Sina (23 years old) and Kevin (17 years old) via mobile phone - 12 Nov. Kevin mentions prices of iPhone 1 = 380 € / 2 = 350 € with reference to invoice, receipt, and warranty (email) - 13 Nov. Inquiry from Sina vi...

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Red traffic light

Hello, I am a truck driver and was driving through Düsseldorf. There, I came to a traffic light as a turner that was green. So I crossed it. During the crossing, I had to slow down, the truck started jumping because the road had very strong cross gr...

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