

No evidence of bail payment but witnesses.

Dear Sir or Madam, What was previously a relaxed relationship between us as tenants and the landlord has turned into a strong tension, partly due to behavior by the landlord that we can no longer understand purely on a factual basis, but seems to be...

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"Kannst du mir bitte sagen, wie spät es ist?"

I bought a few intangible/virtual goods from someone on the internet in the form of a used pin code, for example a Playstation network card. The original price at Sony is 50€. I bought them for 30€ each. Can I resell these codes on Ebay to make a lit...

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Subject: Defects / Warranty, Purchase agreement dated 16.06.2012 Hyundai Getz / 12 months warranty according to purchase agreement The vehicle purchased on 16.06.2012 with a mileage of 72,400 km already shows significant defects on 26.10.2012 at a mi...

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genetic material

My friend and I want to get married. He has an illegitimate daughter. Before our relationship, I bought a house and am the sole owner on the property register, as well as the sole person responsible for the mortgage payments so far. We don't actually...

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BAföG law and maintenance law

Facts: Parents are divorced. Child, 23 years old, has been studying for their first degree in the country since October 2010. A BaföG application was submitted and approved for the approval period from October 2010 to September 2011 with a decision...

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Own use

On 01.11.06 we signed a standard rental agreement with indefinite term with two working life partners (without children). They have rented our semi-detached house in 22869 Schenefeld (Schleswig-Holstein). At the time of signing, it was verbally commu...

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Criminal trial for fraud

Through an Ebay classified ad, a best friend sent an I-phone for a price of 486 euros. The package was shipped weighing 1.02 kg (DPD receipt available). According to the recipient's statement (email message available), the package arrived with only 3...

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private health insurance double insured

We cancelled our private health insurance with DKV in writing on 6.12.10. (by mail, but not by registered mail) The acceptance declaration of the new insurance (Hansemerkur) from DKV was delivered through the insurance intermediary. In mid-December, ...

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Alleged mandatory registration at

Today I received a bill from "" or ICONTENT GMBH in Rodgau by mail. I am supposed to pay €96.00 in advance for a 12-month access to The text reads: "Thank you for your interest and your paid registration on 22.01.2011 at www...

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Maintenance obligation vs BaFöG payment

A friend of mine is divorced and unemployed. Her only son, who is 22 years old, has no income, lives with his mother (my friend), and is studying business administration. The father was ordered by the court to pay €500 in maintenance for his son. Now...

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Leash requirement for dogs.

Hello, I have been a dog owner for 30 years and have also been active in dog sports. I have a 5-year-old lively, loving and friendly German Shepherd dog, who sometimes can be a bit curious, but usually follows us very well. If she feels uncomfortabl...

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Inheritance after care

In November 2005, I took over the care of my father who was suffering from dementia. In May 2006, I then moved with my underage daughter into his apartment to take care of him. I sublet my own apartment. Initially, he was classified as needing care l...

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Buying a used car from a dealer

Dear Mr. Lawyer, On Monday, I bought a car from a used car dealer. Unfortunately, we were not able to take a test drive as the dealer did not have license plates. We let it run and everything sounded good. Unfortunately, we were only able to pick i...

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Dear Mr. Lawyer, I have the forced eviction of my apartment tomorrow. I have been aware of the eviction for several weeks. My income comes from abroad. I have received the commission settlement from my boss, as well as the transfer slip signed by th...

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Money demand

- November 2009 Conversation between Sina (23 years old) and Kevin (17 years old) via mobile phone - 12 Nov. Kevin mentions prices of iPhone 1 = 380 € / 2 = 350 € with reference to invoice, receipt, and warranty (email) - 13 Nov. Inquiry from Sina vi...

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